August 26 / 2020
Disconnecting from work is one of the most complicated tasks and thousands of people have this big hurdle. At Cloudworks we show you some tricks that will be of great help to you.
If you want to get your work-life balance back on track, it’s important to find a way to leave work behind after work hours are over. But how can you do that when your boss texts you at 11 p.m., or you’re stressed about your tasks because people are constantly emailing you?
While it may seem impossible to disengage from work after leaving the office, it’s important to fight the temptation to complete work at home, because your well being comes first.
If a person does not learn to disconnect, it is very likely that they will burn out more quickly. There is a mentality (increasingly present in Spanish professionals and entrepreneurs) that work should be everyone’s number one priority at all times, and that is simply not true. At Cloudworks we show you the keys so that you can disconnect from work and learn to take care of yourself in every respect.
You might think that an ideal worker is one who is always constantly thinking about their work, but the truth is that is not the case. In fact, bringing work home, either literally or inside your head, can lead to excessive burnout.
There are many reasons why this could be happening. You may have problems with time management and your tasks may become part of your usual schedule; or you may have pressure from your bosses to work overtime.
The importance of disconnecting from work is that people who disengage from their workload during their free time experience mental health benefits and end up being better employees. To be more productive, happy and healthier you need to disconnect from work cognitively, emotionally and physically.
If you don’t, you run the risk of consequences. Not only is this bad for your personal life, and can hurt you professionally, but it also has a severe impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Those who do not know how to disconnect the mind from work tend to suffer the psychological consequences caused by overwork. Being aware of your work responsibilities can be overwhelming, which is why you may be prone to anxiety attacks, and even panic.
That’s because of the stress load you subject your brain to, which in the long run can trigger more serious problems like depression or obsessive disorders. These consequences put your physical health and also your personal relationships at risk.
Workaholics often think that if they try hard, they will end up being more productive, but in the long run they are not doing themselves any favours. The human brain simply was not designed to work continuously without rest. You need to take regular breaks and maintain sustained periods where you’re not thinking about your career to ensure that, when you’re at work, you’re being the best version of your professional self.
Among the physical consequences is the risk of developing burnout, which can lead to reduced productivity and even wasted time at work. Muscle aches caused by the tension to which your body is subjected, and even sleep problems that weaken you in every way, including your immune system.
If during your working hours you repeat to yourself “I need to disconnect”, but you do not know how, here are some effective techniques. Apply them to restore the balance between your personal and professional life.
We now spend up to 80% or more of our day on collaborative activities, such as email, meetings, and calls. It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert, spending all day relating to other people is exhausting.
Although no one likes to feel isolated, we all need some alone time to properly recover from the workload. Traveling to new places by yourself can be disconnecting and help you recharge. If you are not one of those who enjoy traveling alone, you can do it with your loved ones; anything goes, the important thing is to focus your mind on something new and enriching.
There is nothing more effective in the struggle to disconnect from work than to do something relaxing. Reading and watching movies do not require much physical and mental effort, and for that reason they are the best allies to help you distract yourself from work and say goodbye to the exhaustion it causes you.
It may seem like a counterproductive recommendation to put more effort into cultivating your hobbies. However, engaging in activities you enjoy is essential to psychologically detach yourself from work.
Hobbies not only help you feel rewarded, but they can also improve your productivity, concentration, and creativity when you return to work the next day.
Support from your loved ones can minimize stressful situations at work and at home. Spending quality time with your family and friends is part of taking charge of your well-being and doing what you can to stay healthy. Not only will it serve to distract you, but you can also talk about work, your frustrations, and how it makes you feel.
Exercise releases endorphins, so it will help you feel happier and more energetic in the long run. Team sports bring a great social element, but if you prefer to work out alone, make sure you’re accompanied by a good playlist. These combined elements help clear your mind and keep you disconnected from work.
Take advantage of the “Do Not Disturb” option on your mobile. This is one of the best techniques to take your mind off work because it will help you ignore all the email or social media notifications that keep you from clearing your mind.
If you do not want to become a workaholic and suffer from all the negative effects we have mentioned, it is important that you avoid the following behaviours. Find out below what not to do if you want to know how to disconnect from work when you get home.
Ingesting the necessary nutrients is important to be able to complete all your tasks effectively. If you neglect your diet, you will not only feel weaker, but you will also be more prone to the physical consequences of overwork.
Contrary to what you may think, being too committed to your work is not all good, especially for long periods of time. Although saying “yes” to an extra job is usually a good move for your career, taking on more than you can handle can be detrimental to your work-life balance. If you realize that you bring your work home every night, or that you stay up until the wee hours, it’s time to rethink your work methodology.
People who fail to disconnect from work make the serious mistake of neglecting their personal relationships. This has a direct effect on your emotional and psychological state, negatively affecting your quality of life.
You don’t have to sit in a lotus flower pose and chant “ohm” to meditate, but you need to devote at least an hour a day to this activity to calm your mind. Some people find formal meditation a great way to channel their stress energy, and transform it into positivity and calm. If you want to try meditation, try searching the free podcasts. There are many out there.
Always try not to take home anything that is related to work; that includes conflicts you may have with your colleagues or bosses. The negative emotional burden that remains from unresolved conflicts can affect your ability to disconnect from work. Solve all your pending business so that you live more peacefully.At Cloudworks we always offer you the best tips so that you give your best but, above all, so that you achieve a physical and emotional balance that has worked wonders for us. We recommend our blog to keep you abreast of all the news!